Complete Story


We Now Have the Attention Span of a Goldfish

by Sevell+Sevell

The average attention span of a web visitor is 8 seconds. A goldfish's attention span is 9 seconds.

We’re not making this up. There’s a website called that studies these types of things.

Attention Span Statistics

Should I stay or should I go?

With all of us being honorary members of The Short Attention Span Society, how can you get the attention of someone long enough to tell your story?

Unique design, engaging visual, compelling content that’s regularly updated, a website that works on mobile devices, and a focus on what’s in it for your customer vs. it being all about you. Does your current website do that? If not, and your competitor’s website does, where do you think your prospect will be spending their time?

If you want to show you’re better than your competitors, your website needs to be more evolved than theirs. Otherwise, when your audience is spending just a few minutes on your, and your competitor’s websites, yours won’t be more memorable or engaging. Obviously, the longer someone stays on your website, the more engaged they are. And as a side benefit, the more engaged someone is, the more Google thinks you have a good website, and the better it ranks.

So if your website doesn’t educate, engage or even entertain, that could be why you’re not getting people contacting you from it. Before you decide on a web design firm, check out their, and their client’s websites. If those sites don’t intrigue you, then it’s a good bet the one they do for you won’t intrigue any of your prospects. •

Sevell SevellSevell+Sevell has the expertise to create, write, design and implement your website and marketing materials so they reflect the client-focused nature of your organization and, more importantly, are better than your competitors’ marketing materials! Contact them at or (614) 341-9700

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