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New Offerings Provide Value-Added Member Benefits

by Brian Jimenez

The BIA is always on the alert for opportunities that can help our members. Whether it’s finding ways for your business to save money, providing you with needed information or just making your work life easier, we continually seek quality options for you. With this month’s President’s Pen, I am pleased to announce two new opportunities that I believe will be extremely helpful to those who take advantage of them.

Builder opportunities

The first opportunity I would like to review is targeted for the builders. Whether a production, custom, semi-custom or multi-family builder this new service provides you with the opportunity to list your homes for free. The BIA has partnered with Builders Digital Experience (BDX) to provide an outlet for builder members to list their homes online free of charge.

This new partnership will provide BIA members with the opportunity to have their homes and communities listed on the BIA’s new home site and on two of the leading new home websites, and These sites collectively have over 1,000,000 unique visitors each month and this additional exposure will provide advantages to your company and help you sell new homes more quickly.

The free listing includes: Community name, community address, up to three photos and inclusion on an area map. These services are available to all BIA builder members for free, and then of course, similar to any new home that is being built, there are upgrade options available to builders for an additional fee.

List your New Home for Free.

The more listings this site includes, the better for participants as consumers want choices when looking for a new home, whether it is price, location, style, etc. This is not an MLS listing. You can increase your visibility, traffic, and sales with one simple decision. This is a benefit of your BIA membership so be sure you are taking advantage of the opportunity being offered.

BDX is a joint venture between Move, Inc. and Builder Homesite, Inc., and Builders Digital Experience (BDX) is a trusted resource for your digital marketing needs. BDX also offers website development, mobile marketing, interactive floor plans, photo realistic renderings, video production, social media packages and innovative sales center technologies. Their website contains an extensive library of services for participating builders to take advantage of including articles that can be used on various builder marketing platforms, free webinars to view as well as an electronic newsletters with timely tips.

I highly encourage builder members to visit, to sign up for their free listing — don’t let your competition gain an advantage over you. We are scheduled to go live with this new venture to coincide with the opening of the BIA Parade of Homes. This will allow us to take advantage of our premier event where new homes are king, as well as the buying season which typically peaks during the summer months.

Donate your extra products

The second benefit I would like to review is the Builder’s Boneyard. This new opportunity provided courtesy of the Professional Women in Building (PWB) Council is geared towards both associate and builder members. Who doesn’t have extra products, due to wrong size, color or simply the customer changed their mind, cluttering up their warehouse, showroom or garage? The Builder’s Boneyard will provide you with the opportunity of donating these items to be sold at the upcoming garage sale slated for September 20. Once an item is sold, the donor will receive 50% of the proceeds and the BIA Foundation/Scholarship Fund will receive the other 50%. Or you can simply donate the item outright to the BIA Foundation. Any unsold items will be donated to associated charities.

Builders Boneyard Contact: Alice Wissman,
(614) 457-0200,

A simple input form to list your donations is available on the BIA website on the homepage, under the Builder’s Boneyard article. Alice Wissman of Jimenez-Haid Builders and the current Professional Women in Building Council Vice Chair is coordinating this undertaking. She has a host of volunteers who will assist with scouting out donations for the fall as well as spring garage sales. Eventually, in lieu of garage sales, once the Builder’s Boneyard presence is established, the items will be available for sale on the BIA website, similar to another well-know online auction site.

As you can see the BIA has been active in creating more value-added benefits for your membership with the new website, new event registration process, home show offerings and success in various local elections. The BIA values your membership and will strive to find ways to improve serving its members, and these are just two of the latest offerings that do just that. 

Contact Brian Jimenez, Jimenez-Haid Builders: (614) 457-0200,

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