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November 2008 Newsletter


"VALUE-ADDED": Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Interest Group
/CSCA, e-Newsletter, Volume 1, No. 1, November, 2008.

"VALUE-ADDED" is a new launch initiated at our last business meeting.

Ideas for our new electronic venture include:

solicitations for collaborative research opportunities; recent member  publications; idea exchanges on timely/controversial issues; contributions of resources to enrich our critical/creative thinking, writing, teaching, mentoring (internet, publications, individuals, professional organizations, exhibits).

Express your preferences on how we can best configure our new venture.  Contribute ideas and information of interest.  Let's build a dialog!

Welcome Members:

I'm thrilled to help kick off the Rhetorical Criticism and Theory newsletter! Welcome! I'm looking forward to the convention in St. Louis and hope to see many of you there. We're hoping this newsletter
can serve as a starting point for connections and conversations. Connecting the rhetorically inclined will hopefully continue, and strengthen, the quality of conference submissions and panel/group discussions. It will also hopefully, keep us engaged and encouraged as we continue our personal research agendas. I'm looking forward to sharing ideas, opportunities, and successes with you all.

Stephanie Kelley-Romano, President
Rhetorical Criticism and Theory Interest Group
Bates College

Mark Your Calendars! Share Info!

2008-2009:  The Sesquicentennial of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates and the Bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth.  Share special projects, internet resources, exceptional publications that add to the rich perspective on these seminal events.

Vital Resources:

  1. Abraham Lincoln Bookstore, Chicago, IL:

    Provides generally available vetted list of 161 books about Lincoln.
    ( )
  2. Chicago History Museum.

    Exhibitions, programs, legal symposium, cooperative events open February 12, 2009 as part of     year long celebration. ( )
  3. Abraham Lincoln Presidential

    Library/Museum/Foundation, Springfield, IL.
    Reference/research library includes Civil War History, Henry Horner Lincoln Collection and a copy of the Gettysburg Address. Also features exhibits of general interest.
    ( )
  4. "Dred Scott, Slavery and the Struggle to be Free" exhibit at Saint Louis Historical Old Courthouse., St. Louis, MO.

    Landmark 1857 Supreme Court case involving issues of slavery and personal property rights. Contributed momentum to initiation of Civil War.(
    A "must visit" when attending the CSCA Convention, April 1-5, 2009 in St. Louis.

**Send e-newsletter ideas, interesting events, topics to Jack Jones, Editor, University of Illinois at Chicago, Next newsletter February/March, 2009.