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CSCA 2013 Convention - Adjunct & Temporary Faculty Caucus Reminders

Even though the early registration deadline has passed, there is still time to register online. This will save you time in Kansas City since your name badge and conference materials will be ready to pick up.  Get registered and renew your CSCA membership.  Don’t forget to check the box for membership in the Adjunct & Temporary Caucus.  Our conference programming slots depend on our membership numbers, and we need more members!
We have one panel this year, despite having two fantastic possibilities (again a plug for more members), and a business meeting on Saturday.  Our panel is “Communicating the Possible with Adjunct and Temporary Faculty: Sharing Tools and Expectations While Promoting Professional Development and Outstanding Classrooms” at 9:30 – 10:45 am in 3216 Yardbird B.  Our business meeting is at 3:30 – 4:45 pm  in 3609 Yardbird A.  Please recruit past, present, and current members to attend.  I hope to discuss collaborations for the future, strengthening our membership numbers, and resurrecting the Adjunct & Temporary Caucus sponsored Outstanding Adjunct Teacher of the Year award.  Minutes of the previous two business meetings are ready for your review:

TCSLINKTONEWS[71032,2011 Adjunct Caucus Minutes,layout_details,_blank]
TCSLINKTONEWS[71033,2012 Adjunct Caucus Minutes ,layout_details,_blank]
Please gather what ideas and info you have on the award and future collaborations and bring them to share at the business meeting in Kansas City!
See you all there!
Heather Nesemeier