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CSCA - Media Studies Interest Group - Reminder

Hello, CSCA Media Studies Interest Group Members! As we savor the last few weeks of summer before fall semester begins, I want to remind you to keep thinking about CSCA and your submissions to the Media Studies Interest Group on the theme of “Elevate!.” I’ve attached a link to the call: The submission deadline is Friday, October 4.

To refresh your memory, you discussed several exciting panel possibilities at your meeting in April (and I am SO SORRY I couldn't be there, thank you to Michelle Calka for sharing all the information with me!):

~ An examination of political economy and critiquing productions.
~ Elevating traditional media theory to demonstrate how they apply in a new media environment.
~ An examination of cloud media with a form like BioShock, looking at how the new media environment elevates the audience into producers online.
~ Elevating public space.
~ An examination of print journalism in Minneapolis as they are one of the only major cities with two papers. Discussion of editorial hold and how it continues. It was suggested to invite the desk chief of each paper for a panel.
~ A debate that would elevate the conversation between popular culture and media studies. It would examine elements such as methods and artifacts in order to define spaces.
~ Involving the Media Education Foundation. It was suggested to screen an M.E.F. video and hold a subsequent discussion along with someone from MEF to provide institutional perspective. It was also suggested that there could be a live documentary of it in conjunction with the original media call.
~ Suggestion for the pre-conference of a production bootcamp with a theme of “use what you have.”
If these topics still interest you, I encourage you to work with others within and outside the interest group to develop panels or competitive papers. And of course, other topics related to media studies are welcome.

If you have undergraduate students creating original media projects, please encourage them to submit as well. Please note that the deadline to contact me concerning the submission of original media is September 14.

Also, several of you signed up in April to be reviewers, respondents and chairs. If you didn't get a chance to sign up yet but would be willing to serve as any (or all) of these positions, please let me know.
If you have any questions, please send an email to  I look forward to your submissions!
Sara L. Drabik
Chair, CSCA Media Studies Interest Group
Northern Kentucky University