Complete Story


Business Meeting -Friday April 28, 2006

Philosophy of Communication Interest Group

Business Meeting -Friday April 28, 2006


1. Annette Holba
2. Janie Harden Fritz
3. Cem Zeytinoglu
4. Chris Johnstone
5. Al Mueller
6. Ronald C. Arnett
7. Pat Arneson
8. Amanda McKendree
9. Sanda T. Tomuletiu
10. James Pickett

Discussion of draft of proposed mission statement:

Changes: �theory informed communicative action� and �questions of� were taken out of mission statement draft.

Janie Harden Fritz moved, Al Mueller seconded, unanimous approval of the Mission Statement.

Approved Mission statement:

The Philosophy of Communication Interest Group supports scholarship that
examines the philosophical presuppositions and implications of communicative praxis. This interest group provides an academic home for ethical, interpretive, qualitative, historical, and dialogic approaches to the study and application of communication.

Discussion of draft of proposed PhilComm Interest Group Bylaws:


Art. II. �purpose� is changed to �mission� and approved mission statement replaced draft content.

Art. V. Section Six. Arnett suggested taking out �and to solicit names of potential reviewers, program chairs, and program respondents on behalf of the chair�

Art. VII. Section One. Mueller suggested replacing �Each� with �The Philosophy of Communication�

Art. VIII. Johnstone suggested adding �The interest group shall adhere to� at the beginning of the paragraph. �shall govern the conduct of the interest group and the procedures at its meetings� is taken out.

Art. IX. Johnstone suggests adding after �a previous notice� �and distribution of proposed changes�

Pat Arneson moved, Chris Johnstone seconded, unanimous approval of the bylaws.

Nomination/Vote Interest Group Officers:

Ronald C. Arnett assumed chair
Ronald C. Arnett nominated Janie Harden Fritz for vice-chair
Janie Harden Fritz nominated Pat Arneson for vice-chair elect
Ronald C. Arnett nominated Sanda T. Tomuletiu for secretary
Janie Harden Fritz moved, James Pickett seconded, unanimous approval of nominations.
Motion carried by acclamation.

Current Approved Officers:

Chair: Ronald C. Arnett
Vice-Chair: Janie Harden Fritz
Vice-Chair Elect: Pat Arneson
Secretary: Sanda T. Tomuletiu

Chair�s report of membership and response to call for papers

43 members at last count

Paper submissions for 2006 call for papers: 8 paper submissions, 5 accepted, 3 rejected; 2 panel submissions, both accepted. This filled our 3 allotted slots.

Ronald C. Arnett nominated Annette Holba as past chair for Representative to ECA Executive Council -2 year position.

Ronald C. Arnett is Representative to ECA Nomination Committee.


Pat Arneson moved to close nomination, seconded by Chris Johnstone, unanimous approval.

New Business:

Al Mueller reported on discussions with ECA officers regarding next year�s ECA.

Ronald C. Arnett proposed a spotlight scholar for Philosophy of Communication for next year ECA. Nominations will be emailed to Janie Harden Fritz.

Reviewers for next year�s ECA: James Pickett and Al Mueller.

Old Business

Acknowledge of past chair.

Janie Harden Fritz moved to adjourn.