Complete Story


Minutes from Friday, April 29, 2005

Instructional Communication Interest Group Business Meeting

Minutes from Friday, April 29, 2005

Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA

I. Call to order

Chair Marian Houser called the meeting to order at 8:20am

II. Approval of 2004 Business Meeting Minutes

a. Mary Toale moved to approve the minutes from the 2004 ICIG business meeting

b. Ann Bainbridge Frymier seconded the motion, and the motion passed with all in favor

III. Acknowledgements

a. Houser acknowledged new interest group members present at the meeting

b. She encouraged members to attend the Top Paper Panel

c. She presented the Top 4 Paper Awards for the interest group

d. She thanked Mary Toale, Jason Wrench, Timothy Mottet, and Michelle Paulsel for reading manuscripts submitted to the ICIG for the 2005 conference

e. She asked for members to serve as chairs and respondents at the 2006 conference

IV. Review of Old Business

a. Acceptance Figures

i. Houser reported that 17 papers were submitted and 12 were accepted
ii. The acceptance rate was 70%
iii. 11 panels were submitted and accepted
iv. The ICIG had 15 total time slots at the 2005 convention

b. Report from Executive Council Meeting

i. Candice Thomas-Maddox reported that journals would be published online and that the internet would be used more to disseminate information
ii. She mentioned that the organization�s budget was being reorganized
iii. She discussed the 2006 convention site and encouraged members to book rooms in the host hotel to avoid penalty fees for ECA
iv. She reminded the interest group that bylaws needed to be submitted to NCA by November, 2005
v. She asked for names of people to fill leadership roles for NCA

V. Welcome of New Chair Dr. Jason Wrench, Ohio University, Eastern

a. Houser welcomed Wrench as the new chair of the ICIG

b. Wrench thanked Houser for her work as chair

VI. Review of New Business

a. ICIG Bylaws Vote

i. After reading the bylaws, the floor was open to discussion and changes were made to Articles 5, 6, 7 and 9
ii. Danette Ifert Johnson moved to accept the revised bylaws
iii. Mary Toale seconded the motions
iv. Ann Bainbridge Frymier made a motion for discussion, but it was not seconded
v. Wrench called for a vote, and the motion carried with all in favor

b. Preview of 2006 Convention

i. Wrench announced the date and theme of the 2006 ECA convention and reminded members that the deadline for submission of papers/panels was October 15, 2005
ii. He encouraged members to submit innovative panel proposals or joint interest group panel proposals

c. Election of Vice Chair

i. Mary Toale nominated Kristi Lawrence Wilkerson for the Vice Chair position
ii. Kay Long seconded the nomination
iii. Virginia Richmond nominated Elizabeth Bernat for the Vice Chair position
iv. Danette Ifert Johnson seconded the motion
v. Wilkerson and Bernat introduced themselves
vi. After members voted, Ann Bainbridge Frymier announced that Bernat was elected as the Vice Chair

d. Other Nominations

i. ECA First Vice President Elect

1. Candice Thomas-Maddox nominated Sara Weintraub for the position
2. Mary Toale seconded the nomination
3. Virginia Richmond moved to close the nominations for the position
4. Toale seconded the motion
5. Weintraub was nominated with all in favor

ii. ECA Representative to the NCA Nomination Committee

1. Scott Myers nominated Ann Bainbridge Frymier for the position
2. Virginia Richmond seconded the nomination
3. Frymier was nominated with all in favor

iii. ECA College Representative to the NCA Legislative Council

1. Candice Thomas-Maddox nominated Kay Long for the position
2. Virginia Richmond seconded the nomination
3. Long declined the nomination
4. Thomas-Maddox nominated Timothy Mottet for the position
5. Danette Ifert Johnson seconded the nomination
6. Mottet was nominated with all in favor

e. Announcements and Other New Business

i. Danette Ifert Johnson thanked Marian Houser and Mary Toale for their work on the bylaws
ii. Virginia Richmond suggested that a member of ICIG consider applying for the editor of Communication Quarterly

VII. Adjournment

a. Mary Toale moved to adjourn at 9:15am

b. Danette Ifert Johnson seconded the motion, and the motion passed with all in favor

Members present: Leeanne M. Bell, Elizabeth R. Bernat, Joe Chesebro, Ann Bainbridge Frymier, Marian Houser, Danette Ifert Johnson, Kay Long, Timothy P. Mottet, Scott Myers, Michelle L. Paulsel, Virginia Richmond, Christine Sevilla, Candice Thomas-Maddox, Mary C. Toale, Sara C. Weintraub, Timothy Wells, Richard West, Kristi Lawrence Wilkerson, Jason Wrench