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New York State Communication Association - Call for Papers

Communities of Communicative Practice - October 18 - 20, 2013



OCTOBER 18-20 2013

Honors Haven Resort & Spa
195 Arrowhead Road
Ellenville, NY 12428

Communities of Communicative Practice

Much communication scholarship over the past 50 years has focused on the inextricable link between interactive/dialogic processes and social network membership. That is, communication practices both create, and are created by, the networks in which social actors find themselves embedded. The theme for the 2013 New York State Communication Association’s annual conference is framed around the idea of networked communities of [communicative] practice. Such networked communities can be framed from political, economic, interpersonal, sociological, mediated, group, and organizational perspectives, and can focus on the theoretical, empirical, and practical implications therein. For example, how do networks of [communicative] practice come to influence relational satisfaction? How do networks of [communicative] practice come to sway the decision-making practices of small groups? How do networks of [communicative] practice come to shape reactions to media content? How do networks of [communicative] practice come to affect psychological feelings of job satisfaction? How do networks of [communicative] practice impact the process of political dialogue? Are networks of [communicative] practice antecedents to, or effects of, interaction? By providing answers to, and engaging in critical reflection of, these questions, scholars and practitioners, alike, will be better equipped to dialogue about and within the networks that make us, in a sense, social.      

Panel proposals, posters, roundtables, and completed papers are invited for submission. Work related to the conference theme is encouraged, as well as scholarship addressing a wide range of communication topics, from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. Creative presentation formats are also supported.

Undergraduate and graduate submissions are encouraged and will be considered for “top student paper” awards.

Submission Guidelines:

For completed papers of no more than 25 pages, please send identifying information (title page, author, affiliation, contact information) in a separate document. Papers should include a running head with an abbreviated title. Student submissions should indicate “undergraduate” or “graduate,” along with an abbreviated title in the running head.

For all other presentation formats, including panel proposals, posters, and roundtables, please include the title, the lead contact or panel chair, the participants/authors, affiliations, contact information, and a description of the panel, poster, or roundtable. For each paper in a panel or roundtable proposal, please include a title, a list of authors, and abstracts of no more than 250 words.

A statement of professional responsibility should be included on the cover or title page of the submission and should state the following: “In submitting the attached paper/panel proposal, poster, or roundtable, I/we agree to present at the 2013 NYSCA conference if it is accepted. I/we further recognize that all who attend and present at NYSCA’s annual meeting must register and pay the required fees.”

Please email abstracts, proposals, and/or completed papers to Corey Liberman ( no later than June, 2013.