Complete Story


Close More Deals

By Tom Reilly

Closing is not magical or mysterious. It is commonsense communication. It completes the objective of the conversation.

You and your spouse review the movie schedules. You ask, “What would you like to see?” or “When would you like to go?” This is closing. You and a friend discuss playing golf this weekend. You ask, “Do you want to play Saturday or Sunday?” This is closing. You meet with a customer and want to schedule a follow-up meeting. You ask, “Would you like to meet again?” This is closing.

Closing is the natural end to a conversation. It is the last chapter in a book. It is the final scene of a play. It is the call-to-action at the end of speech. It completes what precedes it. You can tee up the close with an opinion, “How does this sound?” or “Will this work for you?” or “Are you comfortable with this option?” If you hear “Yes,” ask for the order, “Where do you want to go from here?” or “What’s our next step?” or “Would you like to move forward?”

You can close more deals. Just ask.

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