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Enter to Win a Copy of Al Bates' New Book: 'Triple Your Profit'

Beginning in 2010, NAHAD has offered attendees at NAHAD's annual meeting and convention the opportunity to participate in an abbreviated version of The University of Industrial Distribution - the premier distribution-specific education program. Presented by the leading industry trade associations and delivered by content experts and nationally recognized university faculty members, the UID program is now in its seventeenth year and is recognized as "the source for distribution management education and cross-industry networking."

The program, to be offered on April 20, 2012, is called, UID IN A DAY, NAHAD'S University of Flexible Solutions. There will be six Key University of Industrial Distribution programs, delivered by three top UID faculty members! Attendees will have the opportunity to choose one of the morning and one of the afternoon sessions. Dr. Al Bates will offer two sessions. His afternoon session will be based upon his new book, Triple Your Profit.

Most business owners are victims of a work-ethic mentality. You are probably one of them. They believe that their role in life is to work long, hard hours. The problem is that too often those long, hard hours generate a lot of psychic income but do not generate the dollar profit that should accompany that psychic income. In fact, most businesses produce inadequate profits. Whenever the owners of small to medium-sized businesses are asked how much profit their firm should generate, they always come up with the same two answers: "As much as we can." or "More than we do now."

Dr. Bates will take you through the steps that he has identified in the book Triple Your Profit to help you achieve the profit margin that will take your company into the future with confidence: Take the Business Back from Your Accountant, Set a Realistic Profit Target, Understand Your Profit Dynamics, Get Control of Your Gross Margin and develop a Plan. There are 21 Profit Improvement Exhibits in the book that can be tailored to show results for your firm.

Enter to win a copy of the book. Please email Kristin Thompson a brief (two paragraphs) description of measures that your company took in 2011 to increase your profitability. Please describe the measure(s) and both the intended and the actual effect through the third quarter 2011 on profitability for your company. Two entries will be drawn for a free copy of the book. Email by November 30, 2011.