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Institute Set to Expand Focus on Safety, Training & Outreach

Institute Member

NAHAD Standards Committee members were treated to a cruise in Annapolis harbor to watch the Wednesday Evening Sailboat Races. Pictured are (l to r) Jim Reilly, Rob Huber, Ron Svoboda, Debbie Mitchell, Bill Guarnieri, Scott Dickson, Titus Jumper, Ernie Pitchford, Amy Parrish, Kristin Thompson and Michelle Measel. Not pictured: Alex McGill, Kelly Kinney & Terry Weiner

[photo – NAHAD Standards Committee members were treated to a cruise in Annapolis harbor to watch the Wednesday Evening Sailboat Races. Pictured are (l to r) Jim Reilly, Rob Huber, Ron Svoboda, Debbie Mitchell, Bill Guarnieri, Scott Dickson, Titus Jumper, Ernie Pitchford, Amy Parrish, Kristin Thompson and Michelle Measel. Not pictured: Alex McGill, Kelly Kinney & Terry Weiner]

Members of NAHAD’s Hose Safety Institute Standards Committee met on August 20 – 21 in Annapolis, MD to review the Institute’s key projects and initiatives, and to craft recommendations for presentation to the association’s mid-year Board of Directors meeting in September.

In addition to finalizing the five new exams for the recently updated Hose Assembly Fabrication Guides (set to roll out this fall) the committee also addressed the following items:

1)    Institute Advisory Council – Comprised of key end-users representing markets where hose safety is a concern, the Council has several active, or soon-to-be-formed task groups. Institute members are encouraged to join these task groups:

2)    Marketing the Value of the Institute to NAHAD Members and to End-Users – the Committee is pursuing various options to communicate the importance of hose safety in the marketplace and to encourage NAHAD members to become active Institute members. Under consideration:

3)    Institute Training Services – expanded training opportunities would focus on serving in-house employee training for Institute Member firms, as well as training services for end-users and/or Members’ customers. Options include:

The Committee’s recommendations will be reviewed by the NAHAD Board in late September. Further information about the Hose Safety Institute projects will be included in upcoming issues of the NAHAD News and Hoseconnections.

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