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OAPA Awards Scholarships

Five $500 scholarships were awarded at the OAPA Annual Conference on October 12, 2013.

The Scholarship Committee considered narratives on "Why did I choose the PA profession?", What are my future plans as a PA?" and "Interests and activities outside the classroom" to make their decision.

Recipients of the four general scholarships are:

Natalie Lammers - Findlay University

Christopher Rupprecht - Tri-C/CSU

Nada Salem - Tri-C/CSU

Michael Schetter - Findlay University

The Diversity Committee considered areas of focus such as community health, healt care disparities, health literacy,and service of underserved communities with an emphasis given to experiences and positions which have affected change in the community.

Recipient of the one Diversity Scholarship is:

Paula Purpera - Tri-C/CSU

Congratulations to all the winners.

scholarship winners

L to R: JP Thompson, Student Affairs Chair, Michael Schetter, John Trimbath, President, Natalie Lammers, Paula Purpera, Bridget Mansell, Diversity Committee Member