Join Ohio's New EHR Learning And Action Network

The Ohio Osteopathic Association has partnered with Ohio KePRO and other stakehlders to create Ohio’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) Learning & Action Network to assist providers in achieving meaningful use of health information technology (HIT).

Formed as part of a national Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiative, the collaborative works together with the HIT Regional Extension Centers to provide an environment for shared learning. Members include IT experts, vendors, community organizations and patient representatives.

There is no cost for participation. Benefits include ongoing collaborative and educational activities, and:

  • Assistance with successful submission of data for quality improvement incentive programs such as EHR Meaningful Use and Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).
  • The ability to connect with other organizations and individuals with similar goals.
  • Identification of best practices, including EHR implementation and quality improvement strategies.
  • Access to aggregate local, regional and national data for benchmarking, as well as resources developed by the Quality Improvement Organization network.
  • Access to information and tools related to prevention from the CMS National Coordinating Center via the Quality Improvement Organization network.

Join Ohio's EHR Learning and Action Network today! Click here to register.