Student Match List Deadline is Jan. 25, 2013

Students must submit their Rank Order Lists for GME placement Jan. 25 to participate in the 2013 American Osteopathic Association Match. No lists or student registrations for the match will be accepted after that date.

The AOA Match places students into osteopathic graduate medical education positions for the first postdoctoral year of training. The AOA Opportunities database provides current information on all AOA-approved internship and residency programs.  Click here to access the site:

Rank Order Lists identify the top programs where students would like to be matched. Students and institutions may list as many or as few choices as they wish on their Rank Order Lists. However, listing too few choices may decrease the probability of a match taking place or a position being filled.

Couples can also file Rank Order Lists together.  Click here to register for the AOA Match: