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Thank You Shining Stars!

Annually, OPA recognizes member pharmacists celebrating their 25- and 50- year anniversaries of continuous membership.  We sincerely appreciate their continued support and dedication to the Association.

This year’s Shining Stars follow.

 You may also view them in the June 2011 issue of the Ohio Pharmacist journal.
25 Year Anniversary Members
Gregory Edward Bonnoront, R.Ph.
Clifford Lee Comm, R.Ph.
Michael W. Dean, R.Ph.
Jane Gannon, R.Ph.
Norbert Manz, R.Ph.
Michael William Reardon, R.Ph.
Timmy Sheehan, R.Ph.
Linda L. Smith, R.Ph.
Terry Lynn Taylor, R.Ph.
Donna May Waites, R.Ph.
Frederick H Wolken, R.Ph.

50 Year Anniversary Members
C. Robert Blake, R.Ph.
Wayne C. Miller, R.Ph.
Roger White, R.Ph.