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February 2014 OPA Extern Profile: Kyle Dresbach

Kyle Dresbach                             Anna at Senior Center                               


Pharmacy School: The University of Findlay

Undergraduate degree/institution: N/A (0-6 year program at Findlay)

Rotation Month at OPA: February 2014

How did you get interested in the profession of pharmacy?

My uncle owned a small, independent pharmacy in Portsmouth, Ohio for 25 years, where I shadowed him over a couple of summers in high school. The compassionate nature and self-satisfaction of going above and beyond for his patients inspired me to pursue the field of pharmacy. As my interest in the profession of pharmacy grew, my uncle arranged a tour at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and Southern Ohio Medical Center in Portsmouth, Ohio to observe various pharmacy practice settings. Pharmacy is a career that provides me with the platform to interact with patients and to become a role model and advocate for better health, wellness and quality of life.

Why did you choose OPA as a rotation site?

My interest in a rotation at OPA stems from my positive experience and involvement with the organization. I served as the OPA Student Trustee for The University of Findlay through the 2010-2012 academic school years. This position allowed me the opportunity to interact and network with community pharmacy owners, OPA officers and influential leaders in pharmacy. I knew this rotation would allow me the opportunity to establish a solid foundation of leadership skills and knowledge base to help me continue to pursue my career goals of becoming an entrepreneur and advocate in the profession of pharmacy.

What was the most significant or surprising experience at OPA?

My most significant and surprising experience at OPA happened downtown at the Statehouse. OPA provided me a better understanding of what it means to “know your legislators”. After spending eight days downtown at the Statehouse and speaking with numerous legislators in their office, at interested parties meetings and at campaign fundraisers, I realized legislators are everyday individuals who want to make a positive difference in our state. It is not possible for a legislator to be well-rounded in every topic they come across. They are reliant upon constituents in their district and across the state to meet with them and talk about complicated and controversial issues. “Know your legislators” has taken a whole new meaning after this month. I now realize the importance of taking the time to develop a personal relationship with our legislators and helping them better understand complicated issues that affect important aspects of our daily lives.

What other pharmacy associations/organizations do you belong to?

Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity: President 2011-2012

The Rho Chi Society: President 2012-2013

University of Findlay’s Pharmacy Student Leadership Council: President 2012-2013

Ohio Pharmacists Association: Student Trustee 2010-2012

American Pharmacists Association: Current Student Member

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists: Current Student Member

College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists: Current Student Member


  • Spending time with my wife, family and friends
  • Traveling
  • Golf
  • Biking
  • Tennis