Complete Story

RSQ Volume 30 Number 3

Summer 2000

Please click the author's name below to view the article abstract from the Summer 2000 issue:

TCSLINKTONEWS[9603,HASKINS, Ekaterina V.,layout_details] 
Summer 2000, pages 7-33
Mimesis Between Poetics and Rhetoric: Performance Culture and Civic Education in Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle

TCSLINKTONEWS[9604,LEROUX, Neil R.,layout_details] 
Summer 2000, pages 35-54
Luther's Use of Doublets

TCSLINKTONEWS[9605,WILLIAMS, Wade,layout_details] 
Summer 2000, pages 55-72
Religion, Science and Rhetoric in Revolutionary America: the Case of Dr. Benjamin Rush

TCSLINKTONEWS[9606,HARPINE, William D.,layout_details] 
Summer 2000, pages 73-90
Playing to the Press in McKinley's Front Porch Campaign: the Early Weeks of a Nineteenth-Century Pseudo-Event

TCSLINKTONEWS[9623,NYSTAND, Martin,layout_details] 
Summer 2000, pages 92-104
Distinguishing Formative and Receptive Contexts in the Disciplinary Formation of Composition Studies: A Response to Mailloux