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RSA14 San Antonio - Accessibility Guide & Conference App

In just one week RSA14 will begin. In anticipation of the event, we wanted to share two ways we are working to make the conference more accessible and easier to navigate.
First, please find our “Accessibility Guide” where we’ve gathered as much information as we could about getting into and around San Antonio and the conference site. We hope this will help make navigating RSA14 as easy as possible for all our members. If you have additional needs, please do not hesitate to contact Kendall Phillips and we will do everything possible to make the RSA14 conference a positive experience. RSA14 Accessibility Guide
Second, We are please to announce that the RSA14 online program is now live! In addition to the program book, RSA14 has its own conference app, an online program that provides full access to the conference program, social media feeds, and more. Developed with the assistance of EventMobi and sponsored by Syracuse University’s Department of Composition and Cultural Rhetoric, the Online Program is a web-based application accessible to anyone with a laptop or mobile device. And once the app is downloaded to a browser, it does not require continued wi-fi access. You can visit (and/or bookmark) the Online Program by visiting
The Online Program maintains two separate categories of User Profiles that conference attendees may wish to customize. The first, Attendee Profiles, are used to "log in" to the conference app, and require an email address. Setting up your Attendee Profile allows you to bookmark sessions to create a personal schedule for the conference, and also provides conference-goers with space to take notes during sessions.
You can customize your profile with images, biographical information, web and social media links, etc. To set up your Attendee Profile, simply visit the site at the URL above, and click on the Log In button in the upper right corner of the screen. You can do this at any time leading up or during the conference.
The Program also provides space for Speaker Profiles. Because these Profiles are tied to the program schedule itself, you must request specific access to this feature of the site. Customizing your Speaker Profile ties that information (image, bio, links) to your sessions in the program. To receive access to your Speaker Profile, send an email to Collin Brooke ( with "RSA14 Speaker Profile" as the subject line. You will receive an email in response containing a link that provides temporary access to your Speaker Profile.
Neither profile is required to use the site, but setting up your Profiles is a quick and easy way to connect with others at the conference, so we encourage you to set either or both up as you prefer. We are in the final stages of proofreading the online program, so if you have changes or corrections you'd like us to make, please contact Collin Brooke.