Membership Application

The information you enter here will be displayed on your directory listing. Dues are due September 30th each year. Please note that dues must be paid in full before you can participate in the monthly competitions.
Be smart! Don't enter your information in all uppercase or all lowercase letters. Enter it the way you'd like it to appear in the directory.
You are currently paid thru: *
 *Please Note: We update this date manually, once we have confirmed receipt of payment. So if you have recently paid your membership dues, this may not be up-to-date. Contact the Webmaster or Treasurer if you have any questions.
First Name:
Last Name:
Work Phone: Example: (614) 222-3333
Home Phone:
Cell Phone: (Not published online.)
Address 1:
Address 2:
How you found Westbridge?
Primary Camera Brand:
Favorite subjects to shoot?(e.g. Landscapes, Portraits, Macro, etc.)
What software tools do you employ?(e.g. Photoshop CS5, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Aperture, etc.)
Member Since:
There are two types of membership dues:
1) Individual $40
2) Distance $25 - individuals residing greater than 50 miles from meeting place. All club privileges apply
Select Dues:
   - denotes required fields