To Increase Your Profit, Participate in the 2014 WF&FSA Operating Ratio Report

It’s Free! It’s Confidential!

Financial benchmarking information is more important than ever before. The best source of financial benchmarks for the industry is the WF&FSA Operating Ratio Report. The information in this report provides answers to questions such as “Are the most successful firms in a down market placing more emphasis on gross margin management or expense control?”  In short, this report presents a wealth of financial and operating guidelines. In addition, it provides direct comparisons between your firm and other participating firms. This valuable information is, however, only available to firms that participate in the study.

The questionnaire may be downloaded here.

In return for your participation, you’ll receive:

The PROFIT Report
A financial and operating profile of the entire industry.

Profit Improvement Profile
A confidential report sent directly to you comparing your firm with similar participating firms. Many firms take this report to the bank to discuss loans and lines of credit.

Profit Toolkit Online
A Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet to assist your financial planning.

The detailed benchmarking information in the Operating Ratio Report and in your Profit Improvement

Profile is available to you free of charge. This is a great bargain.  Many associations charge for this service but WF&FSA offers it to members free of charge as a member benefit.

Profit Planning Group keeps your proprietary company data strictly confidential. Only the necessary staff of Profit Planning Group ever sees your data. Reports present only aggregated results. Strict masking procedures are used so no individual firm data can be identified. All survey forms are destroyed after processing. In over 20 years of conducting benchmarking studies, Profit Planning Group has an unblemished record of maintaining confidentiality.

Please call if you need to know more about this program and its benefits to your firm.

Do not delay filling out the questionnaire. 

The questionnaire may be downloaded  here.