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Congratulations to ACEC Ohio's Scholarship Recipients!


Congratulations to ACEC Ohio's Scholarship Recipients!

This is our second year for our ACEC Ohio Scholarship Program, with four scholarships of $2,500 awarded to students in our four chapter areas. 

We are pleased to announce we had 28 applicants this year. The four winners included:

Jillian Penman - Jillian is a junior at Youngstown State University where she will graduate in May of 2021 with her Bachelor of Engineering; Civil/Environmental. Jillian had a summer internship with ms consultants where she performed design & quantity calculations and computer-aided drafting for project plans. Jillian is also involved in the Society of Women Engineers, & the STEM Leadership Society. 

Clifford Goertemiller  - Clifford is a senior at The Ohio State University studying Mechanical Engineering and will graduate in December 2020. Clifford attended Harvard University where he received his B.A. in Environmental Services. Clifford also had an internship at Heapy Engineering where he contributed to MEP designs, LEED certification, retro-commissioning and energy conservation projects. He prepared over two dozen verification reports confirming the installation of energy efficient equipment in buildings throughout southwest Ohio.

Jason Adams - Jason is a junior at Wright State University studying Mechanical Engineering and will graduate in 2021. Jason is a teaching assistant at Wright State University where he assists in teaching, grading and office hours. He has worked at Trimble, Inc. as the Service Bench Technician where he would repair and return GPS devices. Working for the United State Navy from 2013-2017 as the Nuclear Electronics technician/ reactor operator. He would operate, maintain and repair nuclear electronic systems. Jason is currently involved in Engineers Without Borders.

Kevin FruthKevin is a senior at The University of Toledo, where he will receive his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering in December 2021. Kevin is currently working as a Project Development Engineering Co-op at BP’s Whiting Refinery. In 2019, Kevin worked as a Thermal Manufacturing Engineering Co-op at First Solar, Inc. Kevin has been actively involved in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, The Voice of Honors, Maker Society, and University of Toledo Chemical Engineering Freshman Interest Group Leader.

All four recipients were invited to the ACEC Ohio Engineering Excellence Awards that took place on Thursday, March 12 to be recognized and receive their certificates.

Jillian Penman & Clifford Goertemiller were able to attend (pictured below).

Scholarship 2

In addition, Jillian Penman & Clifford Goertemiller have been submitted to ACEC National for consideration for the scholarships they offer. For more information in ACEC scholarships available, please click here.

Congratulations, again, to our recipients! 

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