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ACEC Ohio Committee Updates


ACEC Ohio Committee Updates

Communications Committee- The committee will be hosting a Marketing Professional Forum, on June 26. The committee continues to monitor social media website metrics for success. The committee will meet again June 26, 2020. For more information, click here.

Environment & Energy Committee - The committee will be hosting a virtual meeting open to all ACEC Ohio members on Tuesday, May 12 with Lynn Schloesser, ACEC Director of Environmental & Energy Program. Lynn will be providing the latest legislative and regulatory activity of the ACEC on water, environment & energy committee including infrastructure investment proposals in recovery from the coronavirus. For more information, click for the registration information.

Government Affairs Committee - The committee held a meeting on 3/20/20 where they received a legislative update on bills being monitored, supported or opposed by ACEC Ohio. This committee will meeting again April 24, 2020 to hear a Congressional update from Steve Hall, ACEC Sr. Vice President for Advocacy. For more information, click here.

Member Services Committee - The committee held a meeting on 4/2/20. They continue to reach out to Target List firms, including the ACEC National Target List of ENR 500 companies – each committee member has picked “High 5” firms to target from list. Another goal this committee has is to retain member firms by getting members involved and helping create quality programs and activities and look at chapter programming. The next committee meeting will be held on June 4, 2020. For more information, click here.

Planning Committee - The committee is monitoring the progress of the 2017-2019 long range strategic plan & developing the next long-range strategic planning process that will roll out to membership at the ACEC Ohio Virtual Annual Review being held on Thursday, June 11, 2020. For more information, click here.

Political Action Committee (PAC) -  The committee met 3/12/20, continuing outreach to members with 35 firms meeting their PAC goal to date. Regional events on hold due to COVID 19. For more information, click here.

Rising Leader Committee - We have a full class of 20 participants for the 2020-2021 Rising Leader Program that will begin in August 2020. Fore more information, click here.

Small Firms Committee - The committee has been meeting on a bi-weekly basis since 3/18/20 basing their discussions on the COVID-19 Impact on Small Businesses. The last meeting was on 4/22/20 with special guest  Joe Shunia with Trinet. For more information, click here.

State Public Works Committee - The committee met on 4/22/20 and heard from Linda Bailiff, Ohio Public Works Commission for an update on what is happening at OPWC. Discussed OFCC workload and plans for contract updates.  For more information, click here.

Transportation Committee- The committee held meetings on 3/27/20 and 4/17/20 to hear updates from ODOT's Chief Engineer, Lloyd MacAdam and Deputy Director, Dave Holstein. OTEC is still scheduled for October 20-21 and the ODOT/ACEC Ohio Partnering Conference is postponed until April 2021. For more information and minutes from meetings, click here.


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