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ACEC Call to Action on Infrastructure

Support a robust infrastructure agenda to promote economic recovery

ACEC Ohio member action is requested to engage U.S. House and Senate lawmakers to support an economic recovery agenda that includes significant and sustainable investments in the nation’s critical infrastructure and regulatory reforms to move projects forward expeditiously.
Click Here to Contact Your House and Senate Members
While Congress needs to act to address near-term priorities to keep businesses afloat, ACEC and stakeholder allies are urging lawmakers to begin action on longer-term measures that will kick start the economy and sustain growth in the coming years.  ACEC supports an agenda that includes a long-term reauthorization of the FAST Act with sustainable and growing revenues, passage of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) to authorize new Corps of Engineers water projects and more funding and financing mechanisms to support water and wastewater projects, and measures to support energy markets, vertical projects, and other priorities in the built environment.

Click below for Fact Sheets on ACEC Congressional Issues:

*Regarding water – the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will be voting this week on a WRDA package, as well as a bill to amendment the Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Fund (SRF) program.  While the outlook remains uncertain in the Senate with respect to action on infrastructure in an economic recovery context, the fact that the Committee is moving forward to get specific pieces of legislation out of committee and potentially ready for floor consideration is encouraging. 

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