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Committee & Forum Update


Committee & Forum Update

Adobestock 228830869Communications Committee - The committee is working to collaborate with the Member Services Committee to brainstorm ways to gain more ACEC Ohio members. The committee also hosted a Marketing Forum this month and heard from a panel of marketing experts in the industry. Lastly, we continue to monitor social media and website metrics for success. The committee will meet again on December 11, 2020. To view the Communications Committee page for more information, click here.

Environment & Energy Committee - The committee hosted speakers from the ODOT Office of Environmental Services at the latest meeting discussing CEQ environmental changes and guidance document updates on their site. Mark your calendars the committee tentatively has a Water Forum scheduled on January 19, 2021, and Energy Forum scheduled for May 25, 2021. To view the E&E Committee page for more information, click here.

Government Affairs Committee - The committee will meet again in December. The House and Senate have picked their leadership teams. Senator Matt Huffman will serve as president of the Ohio Senate starting in January. The House has voted to keep Speaker Bob Cupp for the next legislative session.  To view the Government Affairs Committee page for more information, click here.

Member Services Committee - The committee continues to reach out to targeted firms, including the ACEC National Target List of ENR 500 companies in Ohio. Each committee member has picked 5 firms to target. They are focused on retaining member firms by involvement in programming and assisting in creating quality programs and activities for chapters. The committee is also working with the communications group on a talking points document and ways for us to increase members. The committee will meet again on December 3, 2020. To view the Member Services Committee page for more information, click here.

Political Action Committee (PAC) -The committee is wrapping up the PAC year December 31st and is continuing outreach to members to meet their goals. The committee is very close to meeting its National PAC goal, for the 5th year in a row. We have 60 firms who have met their PAC goal to date. PAC Trustees held a successful PAC Trivia night with 27 teams participating. To view the PAC page for more information, click here.

Scholarship Committee -  The committee will award four scholarships totaling $2,500 each this year. The committee has reached out to University contacts with ABET-accredited engineering or surveying programs in Ohio. The deadline for scholarship applications is Friday, December 18. The scholarship committee will then grade applications with organized grading subcommittees. For more information on our Scholarship Program, click here.

Small Firms Committee The committee recently heard from Jason Bainter with Somerset CPAs about the PPP loan. The group has met several times over the past six months to share best practices and discuss overall business issues related to COVID-19 impact on small businesses. To view the Small Firms Committee Page for more information, click here

State Public Works Committee - The committee met on September 29 and continues to meet with OFCC leadership through the ACEC Ohio/AIA Liaison Committee the next meeting will be in December. At our last State Public Works meeting in July, we heard from Eric Seabrook & Todd McGonigle with DAS. They updated our members on new rules promulgated on the EDGE/MBE/WBE Programs along with there not being a 10-year limit on EDGE anymore. Members also participated in an industry roundtable with OFCC, AIA, and AGC. They met to discuss market conditions, economic forecasts, and trends throughout the pandemic. The committee will meet again on December 16, 2020. To view the State Public Works Committee page for more information, click here.

Transportation Committee - The committee met on October 8 and continues to meet and receive updates from the ODOT Liaison Committee, OTIC Liaison Committee & Alternative Delivery Committee. The committee met in August and ODOT provided an updated revenue picture projecting 10% down in FY 21 which equates to $150 million on top of the $130 down in FY 20. To view the Transportation Committee page for more information, click here.

Forum Update

Marketing Forum: The Marketing Forum was held on November 6 with over 45 participants. We heard from Sarah Helbig with Jones & Henry Engineers and Traci Hernandez with RMF Nooter, Inc. Topics included transitioning from a traditional agency to AEC marketing and a how-to session on using all your resources wisely to create meaningful content. The group has a marketing Facebook group to keep in touch with one another. Click here to join!

Private Sector Forum: The Private Sector Forum was held on November 10. Terry Slaybaugh with JobsOhio and Erin McLaughlin with ACEC National presented to our members. Attendees heard about programs JobsOhio is developing and the latest macro-economic developments impacting the A/E industry.  

HR Forum: The HR Forum was held on November 17. Kevin Futryk, with Government Advantage Group, provided a legislative update to the group. Sharon Delay, with GO-HR, presented on a remote workforce and how to communicate and stay engaged while working from home. The group has a marketing Facebook group to keep in touch with one another. Click here to join!

IT Forum: The IT Forum was held on October 14 with Adam Farhoud, ms consultants as the facilitator. Twenty-five IT Professionals attended. They discussed the new office space, collaboration technologies, remote access, innovation, security, Help Desk Strategies, and trials and tribulations they have faced since COVID hit.

CEO Forum: The CEO Forum was held on October 27 presented by Somerset CPAs, Jason Bainter, Howard Cox & Scott Sutton. We had 17 CEO’s from member firms attend. They discussed holding onto employees & attracting the best talent.

To get involved with our forums and stay updated on upcoming forums click here!

Testimonial from John Seaver

John Seaver Testimonial


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