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Board of Directors Nomination Process


Board of Directors Nomination Process

Adobestock 136239916ACEC Ohio is now halfway through the 2020-2021 fiscal year, which kicks off the nomination process for 2021-2022 open Board Officer and Director positions. Offices to be filled include Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, two At-Large Directors, National Director, and coordination with Northeast and Northwest Chapters for their At-Large positions.

The Nominating Committee Chair, Rod Sommer, will be coordinating with the Northeast and Northwest Chapters to fill their At-Large Director positions. The committee members include Rick Allen and Lynn MIggins and will start meeting in January to provide a report to the Board of Directors in February.  The new officers and directors assume office on July 1, 2021.

If you're interested in a position with the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors, please click here to review the qualifications and discuss your interest with the nomination committee chair, Rod Sommer or ACEC Ohio President, Beth Easterday. If you're interested in joining leadership at the chapter level please talk to the chapter chair. Click here to find chapter leaders in your area.

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