Complete Story
Message from Beth -- February 17, 2021


Message from Beth -- February 17, 2021


Leadership of the Council is very important and each year the Nomination Committee recommends a slate of officers for the Board of Directors to move forward to full membership.  The Nominating Committee led by Past Chair Rod Sommer and Board Members Rick Allen and Lynn Miggins has recommended the following slate of officers which was approved by the Board on February 11, 2021.

Chair - Rick Allen, President of Bowser Morner in Dayton, Ohio. Rick currently is serving as the Vice Chair on the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors.

Vice Chair -  C.K. Satyapriya, President of CTL Engineering, Inc. in Columbus, Ohio. C.K. is currently serving as Secretary-Treasurer on the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors.

Secretary-Treasurer - Monica Mosure, Vice President of Marketing at ms consultants in Columbus, Ohio.  Monica previously served for three years as an At-Large Director on the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors and is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair.

National Director (2-year term) - Lynn Miggins, President, KS Associates, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio. Lynn currently is serving as the National Director on the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors.

At-Large Director (2-year term) - Al Biehl, Vice President of TranSystems in Cleveland, Ohio.  Al is serving as an At-Large Director currently and chairs the Transportation Committee.

At- Large Director (2-year term) - Nick McCullough, Group Leader at The Kleingers Group in Columbus, Ohio. Nick currently serves as co-chair of the State Public Works Committee.

NW Chapter Representative (2-year term)  Laurie Adams, Principal of DGL Consulting Engineers, Ltd. in Maumee, Ohio, and is currently serving as the NW Chapter Representative to the ACEC Ohio Board.

NE Chapter Representative (2-year term) - Brendan Lieske, Project Engineer, SME in Cleveland, Ohio.  Brendan is currently serving a one year term as NE Chapter Representative to the ACEC Ohio Board and is the Vice Chair of the NE Chapter.

ACEC Ohio bylaws provide that nominations for any or all of the above positions may be submitted by the membership. Such nominations must bear the signatures of principals of 15-member companies and must be submitted to the ACEC Ohio office, in Columbus, by April 1, 2021.

If no nominating petitions are submitted, the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be considered duly elected. If, however, one or more valid nominating petitions are submitted, a formal ballot will be provided to each member company no later than May 1, 2021, and such ballots must be returned no later than June 1, 2021.

All newly elected officers and directors shall take office on July 1, 2021.

If you have any questions about the process or are interested in a leadership position within ACEC Ohio, please feel free to reach out to me.


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