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Message from Beth -- April 26, 2021


Message from Beth -- April 26, 2021

As part of the ACEC Ohio Strategic Plan , we are committed to diversification of membership.  To enhance member programming and attract Engineering Companies working in the private sector and vertical markets, we have created the “Private Sector” Forum. To date, we have held three forums to allow our members working within this discipline to network, share information and hear from thought leaders in this area.

Last week, ACEC Ohio held the third Private Sector Forum and used this session to invite peer trade associations, state agencies, and potential new members.  The topic was “How will COVID 19 Alter Design Standards, Building Codes and Construction Requirements in Ohio?”  We were pleased to have William Bahnfleth, Professor at Penn State and Chair of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force.  Mr. Bahnfleth shared that the risk to air quality in buildings goes back to the early 1990’s and much research was done on the topic with the SARS epidemic, but no action was taken.  What COVID has taught us is non-healthcare ventilation standards are not adequate, the HVAC systems are not adaptable with some control strategies taking a lot of energy and while air cleaners have potential there is still much to learn.  The challenge moving forward will be current indoor air quality standards do not address infection control and existing technologies need to be applied appropriately.  While standards and practice norms should change, there needs to be a balance between moving forward with the right timing, we must not delay but also must not rush these new standards.

The forum concluded with a panel discussion involving attendees asking questions related to building codes, technology, “well” buildings and an overall discussion on what is being done right now with current projects. We were pleased to have Craig Weise, Chief of Projects at OFCC; Scott Conlon, Associate University Architect at OSU; Frank Eisenhower, Principal at Karpinski Engineering and Dawn Colombi, Safety Director at LJB Inc. join this panel. 

If you would like more information on our professional and industry forums, click Forums.

Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

~BethHealthy Building

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