Complete Story
Message from Beth -- June 24, 2021


Message from Beth -- June 24, 2021

Beth EasterdayIt’s hard to believe I just celebrated my five-year anniversary as President of ACEC Ohio. What a great year it has been, thank you for your support!  As the ACEC Ohio fiscal year comes to an end on June 30, 2021, we achieved our mission of advocating for the advancement of the business of engineering virtually through committee and chapter meetings as well as professional forums and events. Within 10 months of the pandemic, we hosted 80 virtual meetings reaching over 1,300 participants. While we achieved success virtually, we look forward to in person events as well as virtual in the year to come.

In a year of COVID, ACEC Ohio served as your business resource hosting webinars on topics such as: Business Development during COVID, the ACEC Trusts, Creative Retirement Plan options and multiple PPP Loan Forgiveness/Overhead/FAR sessions. Forums were continued for HR, IT, Marketing, and Finance professionals as well as CEO's. Key discipline forums were held for the Private Sector/Vertical, Water and Energy markets sharing and discussing industry trends, benchmarks and ideas.

We focused on proactive measures to improve the well-being of member firms by graduating a second class in the Rising Leader Program, which provides affordable management and business training. We also awarded $10,000 in scholarships to students majoring in engineering at institutions throughout the state.

ACEC Ohio continues to advocate on behalf of the industry, pushing legislation which will limit public authorities use of broad indemnification clauses, and passing a bill allowing design professionals the ability to lien commercial projects.  In addition, working to prevent legislation which would change the qualifications-based selection process or professional licensure.

For more information on the last year at ACEC Ohio, click here to view a short video on the "State of the Association" and here for pictures of the Annual Meeting/EEA event.  For a quick overview, below look at our year by the numbers.

Thank you for your support of ACEC Ohio as we strive to be the leading authority that advocates, protects and promotes Engineering Business in Ohio.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.





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