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ACEC Ohio Graduates Second Rising Leader Class


ACEC Ohio Graduates Second Rising Leader Class

Congratulations to the ACEC Ohio 2020-2021 Rising Leader Graduates: 

We are pleased to recognize the graduates of the second class of ACEC Ohio's Leadership Training Program which includes 20 participates representing engineering companies around the state.

Rising Leaders

Read the impact the program had from a few of the graduates: 

"The training sessions provided expert presentations in leadership and management which gives me additional skills for my current and future roles. In addition to the training, the program provided for excellent networking with other engineering professionals from throughout the state that will be invaluable as we look for teaming opportunities to better serve our clients. The program is a great investment for any future leader in the engineering profession!" -Alan Brown, Hull & Associates


"I wanted to thank ACEC Ohio for providing this wonderful rising leader program. The program has a well-rounded array of topics that covered both leadership and project management skills that will be useful in our careers. The knowledge gained and the relationships that were built will be invaluable to any future leader in the engineering field. I would highly recommend these classes." - Ashley Chucray, Euthenics


"The ACEC Rising Leader program provided great discussion of a wide variety of topics that leaders of professional engineering services firms will encounter as we grow in our careers and responsibilities.  In the sessions, I was able to gain insight and make connections with peers that will allow me to succeed in the future both as a business leader and owner." - Brian Butler, Fanning Howey

ACEC Ohio 2021-2022 Rising Leader Class

We are pleased to announce the diverse group of participants for the third Rising Leader Program kicking off in August 2021. 

Please click here to learn more about the ACEC Ohio Rising Leader Program. 

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