Complete Story
Message from Beth -- December 16, 2021


Message from Beth -- December 16, 2021

2021 Pac Thank You

The end of the year is quickly approaching and ACEC Ohio's PAC year ends on December 31, 2021. There's still time left to meet your company's PAC goal! The ACEC Ohio PAC has met 72 percent of our $55,000 goal and we have met our National PAC goal. Thank you to the 73-member companies who have met their 2021 PAC goal! In appreciation of companies who have met their goal, those employees contributing receive an invitation to the PAC Appreciation lunch and will hear key insights on the 2022 legislative year at both the State and National level.

The PAC is a key component of our advocacy efforts for the business of engineering and needs to continue to be dynamic in our efforts.  ACEC Ohio continues to build strong relationships with Ohio House and Ohio Senate leadership, as well as with key legislative members that are supportive of our business interests.  By developing these relationships, ACEC Ohio has:

On a national level, ACEC's key Congressional relationships developed through the ACEC PAC proved very advantageous during negotiations on the Comprehensive Tax Reform bill, reauthorization of the Water Resources Development Act, and passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill plus continuous efforts on the PPP/FAR Credit Wavier.

There are many political issues which come at the industry, and we need PAC funds to effectively participate in the process and protect our industry.  Campaign season never ends, nor does the need for campaign donations.  Candidates and campaign committees are always gearing up for the next election and we need to be ready. If you need more information on your PAC goal, feel free to contact me.

Warmest wishes for a safe and joyous holiday season!




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