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Join us at COSI for 2022 PAC Kick-Off


Join us at COSI for 2022 PAC Kick-Off

You are invited to the 2022 PAC Kick-Off!

Join us at the 2022 ACEC Ohio PAC Kickoff on Thursday, February 24 at the Center for Science and Industry (COSI) located at 333 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215 beginning at 4:00 PM at the Marvel Exhibit. 

Plan to bring a $100 personal check for both the ACEC Ohio PAC and the ACEC PAC and RSVP to Haley Phillippi at

Don’t miss the chance to see more than 300 original artifacts, including some of Marvel’s most iconic costumes, props, and original art, much of which has never before been put on public display.

Pac Kickoff 2022 Invite

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