Complete Story
Message from Beth -- March 23, 2022


Message from Beth -- March 23, 2022

The 2022 PAC year is in full swing with the fifth annual PAC Kick-Off Event held on February 24, 2022, at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI).  Over 60 ACEC Ohio members joined the fun, toured the Marvel exhibit, and visited with special guests Congressman Mike Carey and State Representative Mark Fraizer.  Both shared their insights on the Intel announcement and the impact on the district they represent as well as Ohio. They stressed the importance of sharing your business and issues with them as they are elected to represent you!

ACEC Ohio’s goal is to be proactive and effective advocates for the consulting engineering community, a robust PAC program helps us achieve this goal.  Thank you to the attendees who helped raise over $12,000 for the ACEC Ohio PAC and the ACEC PAC.  To date, 35 member companies have met their PAC goal for 2022, consider joining this group today! For more information click Political Action Committee.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.



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