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Fill out the Annual Membership Survey Today


Fill out the Annual Membership Survey Today

Feedback Requested

ACEC Ohio Annual Membership Survey

The business of engineering is exceptionally challenging and that's why ACEC Ohio exists.  It's the only organization dedicated to serving the unique needs of engineering companies. No other professional society or trade association is totally focused on improving the business climate for engineering companies.

In order to better serve you and your company, ACEC Ohio is conducting our annual membership survey, and your participation is important!

ACEC Ohio strives to be a valuable resource to our members and we take your feedback very seriously.

You do not need to identify yourself in order to complete the survey.

Please click here to begin. This will only take 3-5 minutes of your time! The survey will close on Friday, July 15.

We appreciate any and all feedback in hopes of improving ACEC Ohio.

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