Complete Story
Message From Beth -- June 21, 2023


Message From Beth -- June 21, 2023

BethThe past year at ACEC Ohio showed steady progress in our strategic plan. The Board of Directors focused on several issues, but workforce development took center stage. Realizing ACEC Ohio must take an active interest in the attraction, education, development and retention of a talented workforce a workforce development committee was established in March 2023.   With worker expectations changing, education costs increasing, and technology demands, the committee’s mission is to establish clear lines of communication with its educational training partners on workforce needs. The first step of the mission was to host a higher education interactive panel discussion at the ACEC Ohio Annual Meeting.

Recognizing the value of the ACEC Research Institute reports and research to our member firms, the Board voted this year to financially support the ACEC Research Institute as a Chair Circle member. This support gives ACEC Ohio certain benefits throughout the year most importantly sitting on the Industry Insights committee, bringing key issues to the institute for future studies. The Research Institute will be rolling out research in the near future on the “firm of the future” and lump sum contracting as well as an interactive DEIB benchmarking tool.

As part of our long-range strategic plan, ACEC Ohio continues to work to be your resource for business needs including standing up a highly rated Rising Leader Training program for the fourth year in a row, graduating 20 young professionals trained in the skills needed to move up as leaders in their firm. Continuing our partnership with PSMJ to bring the Principal Bootcamp training to Ohio as well as virtual ethics and QBS training.

We continued to offer a “private sector forum” highlighting key business segments in the private/vertical market space as well as the energy sector. Along with the other professional forums including human resources, finance, marketing, and IT, the Council continued to serve the full breadth of our member firm’s needs.

A first this year, we held partnering sessions with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.  In addition, we held a roundtable discussion with the newly formed Municipal Engineers Association of Ohio, focused on working together and pushing QBS.

From an advocacy standpoint, ACEC Ohio passed Senate Bill 56 the bill to bring fairness into public contracts by limiting indemnity provisions, the bill went into effect March 14, 2023. The PAC Trustees held the first DC Fly-In, successfully meeting with six Ohio Congressional members in DC and then members followed up at the ACEC Spring Convention meeting with nine additional Ohio Congressional Offices.

Thank you for your support of ACEC Ohio as we strive to be the leading authority that advocates, protects, and promotes Engineering Business in Ohio. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


The ACEC Ohio year by the numbers:




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