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ACEC Ohio Welcomes Monica Mosure as Board Chair


ACEC Ohio Welcomes Monica Mosure as Board Chair

Monica Mosure 3x3ACEC Ohio would like to welcome Monica Mosure as the new Chair of the Board of Directors. Monica is Chief Administrative Officer at ms consultants, an engineering, architecture, planning, and environmental consulting firm offering comprehensive and innovative solutions for public and private clients.

Monica integrates all administrative areas of the company, including human resources, finance, and information technology. In her role, Monica develops strategies and solutions to enhance service throughout the organization and its corporate culture. She also developed and supported the firm’s sustainability initiatives and was the catalyst for ms to join the GreenSpot program. Monica has been active in ACEC Ohio, serving as Communication Committee Chair and then DEI Committee Chair while serving as an At-Large Director of the Board.  In 2021, she moved into the leadership track of the Board serving as Secretary/Treasurer and then Vice Chair.

Monica is active in the community and has co-founded a local charity, Private School Pups, which supports rescue dog training. She also volunteers for several local nonprofit dog and cat rescue organizations and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio.

Welcome, Monica!


2023-2024 ACEC Ohio Board of Directors

Chair — Monica Mosure, ms consultants

Vice Chair— Al Biehl, Transystems

Secretary-Treasurer — Nick McCollough, The Kleingers Group

Past Chair — CK Satyapriya, CTL Engineering

ACEC Director — Rod Sommer, LJB Inc.

At-Large Director — Brad Lowery, Jones and Henry

At-Large Director----Josh Conley, JMT 

At-Large Director — Angie Wells, GPD Group

At-Large Director — Dave Krock, OHM Advisors

Central Ohio Director — Joe Bolzenius, The Mannik and Smith Group 

Northeast Ohio Director — Brendan Lieske, SME

Northwest Ohio Director — Laurie Adams, DGL Consulting Engineers

Southwest Ohio Director — Mike Timko, Woolpert

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