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Message From Beth -- August 23, 2023


Message From Beth -- August 23, 2023

Each year, ACEC Ohio conducts a member survey to identify member thoughts and concerns about the industry, gauge perceptions of the organization’s strengths, and identify opportunities for ACEC Ohio to increase value to our members.

Members participating in the survey represented a cross-section of the association in terms of size, discipline, and region. We were pleased to find out that our members view ACEC/ACEC Ohio as their primary resource for engineering business practices information, which is part of our mission. 

The survey asked members to prioritize the benefits of being an ACEC Ohio member. The top three responses were 1) Lobbying/Political Activity 2) Networking/Exposure to State Agencies/Clients 3) Committee Participation/Industry Information. The events members participate in are listed below:

Member survey 2023

The member survey asked key questions about ACEC Ohio, and the following represents a percentage of the respondents that selected good to excellent:

The survey respondents were asked what significant issues are facing the industry, there were 3 issues that rose to the top--1) Workforce/finding talent 2) Commoditization/QBS. ACEC Ohio has recognized these top issues also and is working on each of these for our membership.  

Member surveys keep us focused and relevant to our members, thank you for taking the time to let us know how we are doing, what we can do better, and what key issues your company is facing. If you’d like to see the full membership survey results click here..

 If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.



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