Complete Story
Message From Beth -- September 20, 2023


Message From Beth -- September 20, 2023

ACEC Ohio's PAC year ends on December 31, 2023, and there's still time to meet your company's PAC goal! The ACEC Ohio PAC has met 53% of our $55,000 goal and 39% of our $55,000 National PAC goal. Thank you to the 46-member companies that have met their 2023 PAC goal!

State lawmakers and regulators make decisions every day that impact how Ohio's engineering companies do business. The ACEC Ohio Political Action Committee exists for the sole purpose of ensuring that the people making these decisions understand the perspective of the owners of private engineering companies. Donations to ACEC Ohio/PAC are used to support the election campaigns of legislators and state officials who recognize and support the interests of our industry.

ACEC Ohio continues to build strong relationships with elected officials that are supportive of our business interests.  By developing these relationships, over this year ACEC Ohio has:

The 2024 election is just around the corner, we need to engage elected officials on the importance of our business to society and protect our business from adverse regulation or policy.  Part of engaging elective officials in that dialogue is through the active participation of our PAC. Feel free to reach out to me or any of the ACEC Ohio PAC Trustees on questions related to the PAC and your company's goal.

2023 PAC Board of Trustees:

As always, contact me with any additional questions or concerns,



2022 Pac Thank You

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