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2023 Salary & Fringe Benefits Survey Now Open


2023 Salary & Fringe Benefits Survey Now Open

On Monday, September 11, we launched the 2023 Salary and Benefits survey administered by The Owens Group. The survey is a value-added benefit for you and your business from ACEC Ohio and collects the latest data provided by Ohio engineering companies, information you can’t get from any other source. 

The 2023 survey will include salary and fringe benefit information in a very comprehensive report. With workforce recruitment and retention being a top priority of our member firms, ACEC Ohio encourages you to participate in the survey this year. The more data The Owens Group receives, the more robust the final report will be.

All member firms should have received an email on Monday, September 11, 2023, from “The Owens Group on behalf of ACEC Ohio <>” inviting each firm to participate in the survey.  If you still have not received the survey e-mail, please contact me at or Haley Phillippi at

Please help us by forwarding this invitation to the right person(s) in your firm if you are not the appropriate contact to act upon it. The survey will close on Friday, October 6, 2023, and the results will be available in early November.  

Thank you in advance for participating!


2023 Salary Survey

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