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Scholarships Applications Coming in November!


Scholarships Applications Coming in November!

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The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Ohio is the leading authority that advocates, protects, and promotes engineering business in Ohio. The Council’s mission is to contribute to America’s prosperity and welfare by advancing the business interests of member firms. We annually award four regional scholarships totaling $2,500 each! Our scholarships are regionally and nationally awarded.

This year we will have a new platform through AwardSpring. AwardSpring will automatically match students with scholarships available to them, based on their completed applicant profile and the sponsor’s eligibility requirements.

Students will be able to access more than $415,000 in available scholarship funds for the 2023-2024 program.

To qualify for consideration for a scholarship, an applicant must be a full or part-time student (junior, senior, or graduate student status) pursuing an engineering or surveying degree and enrolled in an ABET-accredited engineering or surveying program. 

The ACEC Ohio 2023-2024 scholarship applications will be available in November. 

CIWP Scholarship

We will also award one scholarship totaling $1,500 for students enrolled in a Construction Inspection Workforce Program (CIWP). In collaboration with ODOT, this program is a pipeline for the development of the next generation of construction inspectors.

The deadline for all applications is Monday, January 15, 2024.

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