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ACEC Ohio Member & Scholarship Recipients Recognized at National Fall Conference


ACEC Ohio Member & Scholarship Recipients Recognized at National Fall Conference

Last week, ACEC National hosted their 2023 Fall Conference in Austin, Texas. During the Fall Conference, ACEC National presented awards to engineers who have made significant contributions to their profession and their community as well as awarded 10 students with scholarships.  Ohio ended the week with four award winners recognized at the National level!

2023 ACEC Ohio scholarship recipients who were also awarded a National Scholarship:

Jaclyn Bashore, Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Cincinnati received the ACEC Small Firm Coalition Scholarship.

Michael Drummond, Master of Science in Structural Engineering student at the University of Cincinnati was presented with the College of Fellows Scholar of the Year.

Kyle Van Horn, Civil Engineering student at Ohio Northern University was presented with the Lee Rice LRE Water Scholarship.

Aside from our 2023 scholarship recipients, a very special award was given to one of our valued members and previous Board of Directors Chair, CK Satyapriya, President and CEO of CTL Engineering. CK was presented with the 2023 ACEC Community Service Award. We thank CK for his invaluable wisdom, knowledge, and unwavering dedication to ACEC Ohio. Congratulations to CK on a well-deserved award!


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CK Satyapriya, Kyle Van Horn and Michael Drummond accept their awards.




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