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ACEC Ohio Graduates Fifth Rising Leader Class


ACEC Ohio Graduates Fifth Rising Leader Class

ACEC Ohio just wrapped up our 2023-2024 Rising Leader program. This is the fifth year for our ACEC Ohio Rising Leader Program, with 20 participants representing 20 different engineering companies in Ohio. 

2023-2024 Rising Leader Program Participants

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Our 2023-2024 Rising Leaders will be recognized at our 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards ceremony on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at Vitria on the Square in Columbus, Ohio.

Information for next year’s Rising Leader program will be released in early 2024! To nominate yourself or someone within your firm now, please email Lexi Francis at

Testimonials from this year's class:

“The ACEC Ohio Rising Leader Program was a fantastic and engaging experience! From networking with future leaders in the industry to learning about the "business of the business", including Leadership Development, HR, Strategic Planning, Financials, Risk Management, and Sales...this program really opens the lens on all aspects of being a successful leader in the A/E biz.” - Andrew Walton Singh & Associates, Inc.

"What a great program! I found each of the sessions uniquely tailored to my experience level while also providing lots of great tidbits to think about as I progress in my career." - Joe Schmitz, American Structurepoint

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