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Coming in July, a New Member Portal and Website


Coming in July, a New Member Portal and Website

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ACEC Ohio has exciting news to share with our members. We are launching a new website and Association Management System (AMS) in July! The purpose of the new software is to give our members easier access to resources and information that is important to you individually.

You'll soon have access to a new online member center. The Member Center will be built for ease of use and quickly finding information. It will include self-service that allow you to:

And much more!

Members will need to create a login for the new Member Center (instructions to come). Once you're logged in, you'll see the many benefits of the Member Center includes:

If you would like these same benefits on your phone or tablet, you will be able to download the MemberPlus App (by Micronet Inc.).

Along with the new Member Center/AMS, we will be launching a new website that's easy to navigate and includes the same ACEC Ohio information as our current website with a fresh new look!

We are excited to launch our new website and AMS! Be on the lookout in the next few weeks for information on implementing these new platforms.

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