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Engineering Excellence Awards Call For Entries


Engineering Excellence Awards Call For Entries

Eea Postcards 2022

The annual Engineering Excellence Awards celebrates the most outstanding project achievements of the engineering profession. The goal of the program is to convey to the engineering and construction industry, government officials, and the general public the contributions that consulting firms make to society and to their local communities through exceptional design. 

You can find the 2022 EEA Call for Entries here with the deadline for submission on November 4, 2021.  As you review your recently completed projects there are certainly many worthy of recognition; please consider entering at least one of them in the competition. Projects substantially completed and ready for use between November 1, 2019, and October 31, 2021, are eligible for entry. 

ACEC Ohio has two Best Practices Webinars available for you to view. The webinars are prerecorded sessions regarding the submission process. Experts with years of experience submitting EEAs walk you through the process and offer helpful tips and tricks. 

Click below to view our webinars:

2020 ACEC Ohio EEA Best Practices Webinar 

2021 ACEC Ohio EEA Best Practices Webinar

Don't forget ACEC Ohio is offering our members a discounted rate for printing your foam boards through Hopkins Printing. If you’re interested in using this service please reach out to Steve Shepard at 614.324.4286 or via email at Rates include shipping to ACEC Ohio offices. Ideally, Hopkins would like to have your artwork by October 18, 2021.

For more information on the Engineering Excellence Awards click here. If you have any questions on submitting your entry please email Haley Phillippi at

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