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ACEC Ohio Meets with Ohio Congressional Members in D.C.


ACEC Ohio Meets with Ohio Congressional Members in D.C.

ACEC Ohio members recently had a successful series of meetings with key Ohio Congressional Members during the ACEC Spring Convention in Washington, D.C. The event saw Congresswoman Shontel Brown and Congressmen Troy Balderson, Mike Carey, Dave Joyce, and Max Miller engage with our members to discuss critical industry issues.

The timing of the Spring Convention coincided with the ARTBA Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) fly-in, leading ACEC Ohio to partner with the Ohio Contractors Association. This partnership enhanced the effectiveness of the meetings, allowing a diverse group of professionals to present a united front on common concerns.

Key topics of discussion included workforce needs, the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and the pressing need for a resolution to the R&D Tax amortization issue. With the IIJA's lifespan nearing its end, these discussions were crucial for planning the next steps in infrastructure development and investment.

The Congressional members attended a breakfast meeting, providing an informal setting for ACEC Ohio and the Ohio Contractors Association members to mingle before delving into formal discussions. The delegation members were receptive, offering insights into current congressional activities and, in some cases, pledging their support for the issues raised.


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