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ACEC Ohio Welcomes Al Biehl as New Board Chair


ACEC Ohio Welcomes Al Biehl as New Board Chair

ACEC Ohio would like to welcome Al Biehl as the new Chair of the ACEC Ohio Board of Directors. Al served the ACEC Ohio Board as an At-Large Director before joining the leadership track in 2022. Al has chaired the Transportation committee since 2019, he has brought transparency to the make-up of the ODOT liaison committee, started the Ohio Turnpike Liaison committee, and has represented the industry in all facets of working with the Ohio Department of Transportation. Al will step down as the chair of this committee as he steps into the Chair position of the ACEC Board of Directors.

Welcome, Al! 

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2024-2025 ACEC Ohio Board of Directors

Chair — Al Biehl, Transystems 

Vice Chair— Nick McCullough, The Kleingers Group

Secretary-Treasurer — Laurie Adams, DGL Consulting Engineers

Past Chair — Monica Mosure, ms consultants

ACEC Director — Rod Sommer, LJB Inc.

At-Large Director — Brad Lowery, Jones and Henry

At-Large Director — Josh Conley, JMT

At-Large Director — Angie Wells, GPD Group

At-Large Director — Paul Goodhue, Goodhue Consulting

Central Ohio Director — Beth Thornton, The Mannik and Smith Group 

Northeast Ohio Director — Brendan Lieske, SME

Northwest Ohio Director — Evan Baker, SSOE Group

Southwest Ohio Director — Mike Timko, Woolpert

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