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010. Leaders Are Not Born. They Are Built! (afternoon)

Instructor: Randy Disharoon

Level of Complexity: Foundational/Intermediate
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Participants will learn the four phases of Leadership & Professional Development:

  1. Build Within – take a personal Leadership & Professional Development assessment and begin to assimilate the four keys to develop your capacity to lead yourself and others.
  2. Build Around – employ the five keys to recruiting and retaining top talent and cultivate the power of communication.
  3. Build Up – discover the seven steps to developing a winning culture and how to lead during times of change and/or crisis.
  4. Build Outset a strategy to influence their industry and community and brainstorm ways to pass success on to the next generation of leaders.

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Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

Thomas Cook

Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

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