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002. Ditch the Pitch (morning)

Instructor: Steve Yastrow

Level of Complexity: Intermediate/Advance

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Customers don’t want to hear sales pitches. In this breakthrough workshop, Steve Yastrow challenges salespeople to forget everything they’ve learned about persuading customers and to start improvising. Ditch the Pitch gives you all the tools you need to engage in fresh, spontaneous, persuasive conversations that get customers to buy. With Steve’s six Ditch the Pitch Habits you will effortlessly navigate the sales process from prospecting through closing. You’ll create conversations and communications specifically created for each customer―to craft the right message for the right customer at the right time. Tear up your sales pitch and improvise!

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The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections

Thea Dudley

The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections

Being responsible for the credit and collections function in the construction industry is never any little kid's dream. But somebody's got to do it.


In The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections, Thea Dudley presents an honest, open, and often hilarious account of her journey through opening contractors with credit lines, collecting, or chasing the payments, managing sales reps, teams and bosses.


Dudley shares her insights into succeeding in keeping your business cash flow moving while still salvaging the customer. She offers practical advice for protecting and collecting your money — written in plain, straightforward language that helps connects the dots. This is a must-read guide for anyone in the construction and building material industry.

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