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Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

Thomas Cook

Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3

With billions of dollars generated annually, importing and exporting is a  potentially lucrative arena for growth—and a bewildering tangle of  rules and regulations. Packed with hundreds of cost-effective  strategies, ready-to-use forms, and valuable checklists, the 3rd edition explains how to  efficiently— & legally —navigate the complex world of international  trade documentation accurately and more.

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Old Dog, New Clicks: Online Industrial and B2B Marketing Know-How for the 21st Century

Bob DeStefano

Olddognewclicks Sample 1Two big, related dynamics are changing the field of industrial and B2B marketing: It's an ever-younger crowd with a penchant for the wired and the wireless, and they don't enjoy phone sales calls. They're likely to Google you first, pop over to your website, then check out your social media accounts. How will they find you? What will they find when they do?

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