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2025 CSCA Convention - Media Studies Interest Group (MSIG) ... Call for Papers, Panels, and Original Media


Widening the Scope

Call for Papers, Panels, and Original Media

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

Annual Convention –Cincinnati, Ohio

April 1st – 6th, 2025

The Media Studies Interest Group (MSIG) invites submissions of competitive papers, thematic panels, and original media focusing on all aspects of media studies for the 2025 CSCA Convention in Cincinnati, OH. We welcome scholarship on all forms of mass, social, and interpersonal media, including studies that engage political economy, audience reception, textual analysis, production, new media, social media, critical cultural studies, media technology, media effects, and various other media subjects and methodologies.

We especially encourage submissions that address topics or issues related to the conference theme of Widening the Scope.  Some suggestions of topics include:

  • Widening the scope of how we think about media presentation.
  • Messaging that widens the scope of media.
  • Exploring what the consequences could be if we fail to widen the scope of media as Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more widely used throughout the public culture.
  • Widening the scope in our study of the media and the fallout when such study or work fails.
  • Widening the scope of representation of culture in the media.
  • Widening the scope of how media scholars and practitioners identify AI—as only we can.
  • Submissions that explore the role of media in social justice/injustice and anti-Blackness.

MSIG encourages members to engage with others who have a different vantage point on media issues related to research, teaching media, service in media networks, engagement with different media (including original media), and disciplinary practices that might widen the scope of the media discipline. We also encourage members to consider emerging media formats and practices that may help the discipline grow. We welcome all these ideas and anything you can come up with.

The Media Studies Interest Group accepts three types of proposals: Papers, Panels, and Original Media.

Papers: Cutting-edge research papers from scholars who examine all forms of media with regard to audiences, texts, technologies, effects, producers, communities, and culture. Considering the theme of the conference, papers examining Widening the Scope in paradigms, theories, production, methodologies, audiences, discourse communities, and pedagogies centered on media are especially welcome.

For paper submissions, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Only completed papers will be accepted.
  • Please include a title and brief abstract.
  • Graduate students should type “STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
  • If the paper will be a graduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
  • To be considered a graduate student debut paper:
    • The author must be a graduate student
    • The paper must have single authorship
    • The paper must be the author’s first paper to be presented at CSCA
  • Additionally, we are happy to take part in the Inclusive Scholarship Award process. If your paper should be considered for this, the paper must clearly articulate, in at least one paragraph in the abstract, how the respective scholarship explicitly addresses equity and inclusion. Make sure to select the Inclusive Scholarship option in submitting

Panels: The Media Studies Interest Group welcomes submissions of proposals for paper panels, roundtable discussions, spotlight panels, and debate panels exploring media studies and the conference theme of Widening the Scope. Preference will be given to panel proposals that include panelists from multiple institutions. Please note that no panelist should serve more than one role on a panel (for example, the chair of a panel should not also serve as a paper presenter or panel discussant).

Original Media Submissions: The Media Studies Interest Group welcomes submissions of original media, including any and all mediated forms and mixed media artifacts. We seek to promote all forms of original media, including (but not limited to): film submissions, digital art, graphic design, digital media, podcasts, music, advertisements, short stories, digital games, and any/all mixed media combinations. Original media submissions can be made using CSCA’s online submission system and should include the original media artifact as well as a brief rationale statement discussing the link between the submission and the conference theme of Widening the Scope. While we welcome and encourage original media submissions, be mindful that this year CSCA will be held at a historical hotel, hence, there will be limitations for original media. Please notify us if the original media requires any special equipment. As with papers and panels, all original media submissions should be devoid of any author-identifying information to ensure anonymity.  

Awards: The Media Studies Interest Group presents four awards. The Samuel L. Becker Award is given for the top student paper and includes an individual certificate and a cash award. At the annual business meeting, the Media Studies Interest Group will also present awards for the top paper, top panel and top original media submission.

Due to budget and access, the only technology that can be made available for your panel will be a projector that you can connect your laptop computers (or other equipment) to. There should be cables available for this, but there may not be Internet access readily available. Any technology requests must be made at the time of submission.

Submissions for all categories must be complete and submitted electronically by 11:59 PM (CDT) on October 5, 2024, via the CSCA online submission system site. Questions and other communication about the Media Studies Interest Group may be directed to the Chair and Program Planner, Byron B Craig:

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