This alert may not be shared outside your organization, Do Not Repost or send, place on other websites, List servers, or send to others via email, including other associations or parties.  Members and Law enforcement use only. Contact us for any permissions.  To do otherwise will result in the loss of membership.


October 17, 2024
9:00AM - 3:30PM CST

Virtual Payments Fraud Symposium

Full Agenda of Experts on Fraud


Fraud is growing and evolving. 

The 2024 AFP® Payments Fraud and Control Survey Report documents 80% of organizations were victims of payments fraud attacks/attempts in 2023. This is a 15-percentage point increase over the previous year.

Please join us for a full day of discussion on various types of payments fraud and learn ways your organization can mitigate fraud risk. 

FRPA members will receive SFE Member pricing by using a Discount Code.  The Discount Code can be found in the Alerts, or contact Kate at

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The FRPA alert system distinguishes us from other groups by gathering and providing information to law enforcement, retailers AND financial institutions.

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Your electronic library to help in fighting financial fraud for all of our partners.

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